Like the numbers on the right hand side? I'm guessing that's how much the stock is worth and the chart indicated how the value goes up and down.

But how do I BUY the stocks from the software? like where do I actually invest my money and where does it go?

Also, as you may have guessed, I'm a total noob at this & I'm not looking to invest big $$$$$$$ in this, not looking to make it my full time job, just looking to invest $$$ and maybe see if I can make some money in my spare time, I tried gambling ( which I guess is the same as this ) but I suck at poker

This thread kinda got away from me there, I'll stop going on now, any advice is appreciated =] unless you're just going to tell me to give up & that I don't have a chance, I really want to try this.

Oh, and another thing, I was looking at penny stocks? I think that might be a good place to start