Hi Busingy, I don't think I have a come across a system like this before (though I am fairly new to this).

So basically what you are doing is constantly adding to a losing position until it retraces 25 pips in your direction?

How far would you be willing to go before you cut your losses? For instance, to start with you would be risking $1 per pip, but by the time it has gone 150 pips in the wrong direction you will then be risking $64 per pip. And 25 pips @ $64/pip is $1600. Your unrealised P/L will already be at -$1575 just to get to 150 pips. So if price goes that extra 25 pips to reach 175 pips in the wrong direction, you will be at -$3175 and will now be risking $128/pip.

I think this is a surefire way to get an account wiped out. But good luck.
