freakscene said: ↑

if theyre blind and stupid
Freak, you've got the Pelosi, Franken, Moore, and Mahrer's on one side and the Bush and Cheney crowd on the other end. That is why the Bell Curve almost never lies. It's always the yammerers on the ends that create the havoc.
Freak, which party has delivered balanced budgets and budget surpluses over the past twenty years? Bush inherited roughly $5.73 trillion national debt (mostly the result of Reagan and Bush I) and is leaving us with at least $11.7 trillion. That's over a 100% increase. In the absence of fiscal responsibility, fiscal conservatism has no meaning. Once you start spending money you don't have, who the hell cares any more?

Free the GOP
The Party Won't Win Back the Middle as Long As It's Hostage to Social Fundamentalists

By Christine Todd Whitman and Robert M. Bostock
Friday, November 14, 2008; Page A19