Leb said:
Well although i agree with you about free speech .. i still find that sometimes there's got to be a limit on things.. I am neither christian nor muslim, im druze (dunno if anyone here knows what that is) and I still get offended when I see shows like Family Guy or South Park making fun of God, Jesus, or Mohammed.. More than anything it shows a complete lack of respect for religions that have been around for 100s of years.. It is stuff like this that fuels the athiest movements and other bullshit like that
I agree Free Speech is good and all but you gotta watch out when your actions or words can offend someone or insult someone.We might not agree with the way some people see things but you gotta respect their views.Most of us have hardly been out of our home countyr or at the most to Canada or Mexico.There is a whole world out there with different people , different beliefs , and different values. To get some respect you gotta give some respect.