With the website I am using, it is $4.95 per commission. I want to invest at least $2400 a year and pay $59.40 in commissions, so that is about 2.5% which I can deal with. My time horizon is as long as I can to get this portfolio running so I can let compound interest work its magic, which is preferably 3 and a half years so I dont have to put in anymore when I am paying off my loans. I am willing to go for the long haul. The reason I do not want to wait to buy $1k of stock at a time is because I already bought 1 share of 27 different stocks, and if for 5 months I put $1k toward one stock, then my diversification is really off. I would have ~50% of one stock and ~50% of 26 stocks until i get my hands on more money. I am just unsure how to distribute my money to re-balance/upgrade my portfolio.