I was first introduced to this co. and similar technology via an article in Motor Trend - Aug 2006, Vol. 58, No. 8. The article is Car Cannibalism by Frank Markus (technologue).

This is a new issue and to be fair to subscribers like myself, the article is not yet released online. Give it a few weeks and it will be available for everyone here:

But, to wet your appetite Frank makes a sound argument for this technology, granted I haven't done the research yet. But, if these co.s could get the volume needed to make this process profitable we could see a real, viable alternative energy. As I understand it this process is already more net energy efficient than ethanol since it uses 15-20% of the fuel it makes to run the process; so we can see it's self-sustainable.

For a sample of this guy's writing click here:

PS: you will find the co. above is privately held but we can always hope they go public to raise money. I will be looking for more co.s in this sector and hopefully one is publicly traded.