Thread: Can this be trusted?

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  1. #1

    Default Brain Flatulance: Reflections of a Newbie

    As Descartes once did, I have been thinking about what I know, or more precisely what Master Cramer has taught me about Wall Street...

    First, DO NOT BUY (or HOLD) ON WISH/COULDA/SHOULDA...I am thinking about our Master's comments on Sirius Radio and why it should buy XM Radio now on the cheap. A big shoulda, but I will NOT buy "siri" based on shoulda. I am learning "shoulda" buys ain't any good! Common Sense ain't common, particularly on Wall Street...

    Next, our Master warns do NOT bet against Nature, e.g., the Hurricane Season; however, it seems you can bet WITH Nature...For example, we know we will have hurricanes and we know FEMA will screw up...We know somewhere this winter will be the coldest ever--somewhere! We know there will be a Christmas Season and we know it will be not be as good as expected, because it never is--the season is either too long or too short or too something bad...We know before Jan 1, the big boyz and gurlz of Wall Street will dump stocks to jazz up things for the upcoming tax season--my point: BET WITH THE NATURE OF THINGS!

    This leads to the FED: regardless what it decides on the interest rates, the FED will be considered wrong...

    THE STOCK MARKET HAS TIPPING POINTS: The mood of the stock market half of the time goes up or down for no reason--the problem is you cannot ever be sure when the mood will shift and what will trigger its incline or decline, other than Tipping Points will be reached, but what will usually be the proverbial straw-that-breaks-the-camel's-back will be unknowable until afterwards...PROOF OF THE CHAOS THEORY...

    TALKING HEADS HAVE BLINDING 20/20 HINDSIGHT!! CNBC operates in a total Now-w mode, so "yesterday" exist only as rationalizations for the Now-w! (At least Master Cramer will acknowledge screw-ups)

    Master Cramer freely acknowledge what he does is more an art than a science, and the game is at least win a gnat's hair more than you lose
  2. #2

    Default Am I the Only One being Private Messaged by this Creep?

    Are you getting Private Messages from this new member who is one creepy guy? I have just put it on my Ignore List (the only one), because this weirdo creeps me out.
  3. #3

    Default Trying to invent a new cocktail..... need suggestions

    Ok so after reading a book that involved the russian civil war, i remembered how much I love "white russians" (the cocktail).
    So I always wondered, why no one has invented a Red Russian, or some Drink called "the Communist" or something like that. So, I decided to invent such a drink based loosely on the white russian. I did some research and found out that Stolichnaya makes a strawberry vodka. Mix that with strawberry milk, and I already like the idea of where this is going to go. I doubt, however, that kahlua would be a good addition, like the white russian, to this strawberry based drink, but I could be wrong, I'm just scared to see what hideous color it is going to turn when I add kahlua to a redish drink. Anyways, anyone have any suggestions as to what I should try replacing the Kahlua with, prefereably something inexpensive, easily acessable, and preferably not a liqueur. Something around 40 proofish.
  4. #4

    Default Better get Cramer memorobilia now

    Jim was just on Imus and things in his personal life are looking pretty bad. Maybe getting a divorce? The Imus lackies said he sounded like Charles Whitman ( University of Texas '66). Gotta like the guys dedication, Das Market uber alles.
  5. #5

    Default 911 Coverup Video

    I thought anyone who's not afraid of questioning the truth about 9-11 should watch this. Anyone curious should too. I'll be watching it tonight.
  6. #6

    Default The Daughter of a Soldier

    I received this letter from a friend. A good read for those of us that are fed up with U.S. military bashing. For those of us that are fed up with so called government conspirices and blaming the U.S government for everything that is wrong in the world. Thank GOD that conservatives are the silent majority and keep the Godless, liberal-socialist-pro-terrorist minority in check. Down with the New York Slime(NYT) and two thumbs up for Fox News BTW, soooooo good to see NYT tanking with subscriptions and adverstising down.

    The Daughter of a Soldier

    Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference. While
    I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me
    beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed

    one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen.

    Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's,

    as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone)

    was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering.

    When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and

    cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded

    American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their

    families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these

    young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for

    us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal.

    Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of
    our service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years
    old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said "hi,"

    the little girl then she asked him if he would give something to her daddy

    for her.

    The young soldier, he didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself,
    said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy.

    Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him

    the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.

    The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters name was Courtney,

    told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq

    for 11 months now.

    As the mom was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed
    her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily
    single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled
    together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a
    military looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and
    talking back and forth on it.
  7. #7

    Default Airport Security Procedures

    Holiday season is just around the corner now, and a lot of you may be traveling that don't ordinarily do so at other times of the year.

    Hightened security procedures at our airports need not cause undue alarm if you prepare ahead accordingly.

    Keep track of all updates on the Transportation Security Administration website before your date of departure at

    I'll be traveling extensively during the last few months of the year and travel frequently in and out of ATL in Atlanta, one of the nations busiest airports. The wait can be frustrating at times clearing security checkpoints, but these guys are generally doing an awesome job.

    I hope all of you that plan to travel through the remainder of the year will have safe flights and enjoy the holidays.

    A complete list of currently prohibited and permitted items on domestic flights can be found here:
  8. #8

    Default Conduct High Quality discount oakley frogskins Exist?

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