Spend 5 minutes on T2W and you'll read that there is no 'holy grail'. There are people here who make consistent profits and, all of them, as far as I'm aware anyway, have achieved this through many hours (years!) of hard work. As the cliche goes - they 'plan the trade and trade the plan'. One thing is for sure, they ALL have a plan. They most definitely do NOT short the DOW on Christmas day because it plummeted last year! That's gambling, and consistently profitable traders do not gamble. They take carefully calculated risks which, as a result of experience and / or back testing, they know have a high probability of success. So, to answer your question, it is possible to achieve your goal, but it wil take a lot of work and commitment on your part. As for buying someone else's system 'off the peg' - well, there a prevailing view throughout this BB that the vendors of such systems only make money from the sale of their systems and not from trading them. I can testify to that, having forked out for someone else's system in the past and regreted it. My advice would be to trawl through the many threads on T2W and, after a while, certain people will say things which resonate with you. Find out about those traders and take your lead from them. That's what I did anyway. Naturally, the next reply you get may completely negate the comments that I've made and advise you differently. That's one of the great benefits of being a member of a site like this.
Good luck,