Thread: The God Father vs Lord Of The Rings

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  1. #1

    Default The God Father vs Lord Of The Rings

    I do enjoy the Fantasy element and story of Lord of the Rings better than The Godfather. I think both movies do drag on , but Lord of the Rings is even more guilty of this. I keep falling asleep when watching The Godfather so I am not sure I can really judge it though.
  2. #2


    The Grandpas are voting en masse I see
    Hey Gramps dontcha have anything better to do in your dotage than trawl through comic book sites meant for your grandchildren?
    I swear old folks are literally everywhere.politics, religion ....even movies !?
    For all the people who avoided ageing Red Woman style by sitting through 3 hours each of Brando and co mumbling inanities and buying vegetables.....LOTR curbstomps
  3. #3


    They are so different I find it hard to compare. Obviously God Father has the Superior acting etc. But if its which movie/s/trilogy I prefer?. It would depend what mood I am in on any given day.
  4. #4


    You're comparing two movies, so use "better."
    When you use "best," it implies that you're comparing at least three choices, but you only have two available here.
    Notice: "Which candy, in your opinion, is better: Nerds or Snickers?"
    "The best kind of hard candy in the world, according to Jim, is most certainly Smarties," replied Bob.

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