Thread: Happy Thanksgiving!

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  1. #1

    Default Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
    We're off to celebrate with friends and have invited a local turkey to attend. Michelle discovered a cache of 2 dozen eggs our chickens had squirreled away over the past week so we're taking brioche and a dessert. We picked up supplies yesterday for our farmers market fund raiser tomorrow, this was the second load on my little truck, pesticide free local trees and wreaths. Happy Holidays
  2. #2


    Thank you, Don. All the best to you and Michelle and everyone else who drops in here. Turkey is in the oven as I type. Starting to smell good.
  3. #3
  4. #4


    Happy belated Thanksgiving......WOW what a day, much food was consumed and grandkids spoiled..... Hope you all have / had a great and blessed Thanksgiving-- From Rick and Ellen

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