Thread: Re-reading after bagging and boarding

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  1. #1

    Default Re-reading after bagging and boarding

    So just to put it out there, I'm a pretty weird and angsty person sometimes.
    And I was just wondering if after a few years, do you ever just go back and unseal some bags and re-read your fav or even shitty arcs, regardless of how old the arc or series might be? I've been thinking of doing this but I don't want to if its a bad idea. I haven't been able to make up my mind on this because i've been debating trade waiting or even going digital. So I came here to get some other perspectives and more info.
  2. #2


    I always plan to but never get around to it. When I really like something I'll get the trade to read more than once.
    I say read em, just be careful and make sure your hands are clean. If they turn out to be lame, sell them. EBay loves a good run of newer comics a few years old. Especially with all the reboots and renumberings the last few years.
  3. #3


    Do you think trade waiting would be a good idea?
  4. #4


    Yeah its difficult for me to decide. I know that trades are cheaper and are more re-readable and probably less of a hassle to store, but there is a certain charm to showing up every wednesday at my lcs for the new releases, and singles feel like the way comics were meant to be read.
    I'll probably be debating this topic with myself for quite sometime, hopefully I figure things out before next wednesday.

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