Hesitant to post this for obvious reasons, but I intend to distance myself from my former persona/life anyway so what's the difference.

I joined the forum 7 years ago at the age of 15. In that time 100s of faceless people have come and gone. 99% of whom have gone back to their mediocre lives to do mediocre things. They will all be forgotten, and already have been. They gave up when it got too hard. Thankfully I never gave up the fight. And neither have you.

Heck, I even thanked MJ directly in my highschool yearbook quote, and a few other big time fastlaners from back in the early days. Thank you teachers, faculty and peers? Nah bro, thank you PhxMJ and company. (that was his old username.. and it will forever be engraved in that book).

Didn't know what the hell I was doing for the most part. I was hooked on Trump's Apprentice and Kiyosaki's books. That was my intro to business 101. It took me 7 years to figure this shit out.

I'm 23 now. I don't have to answer to anyone, or punch a clock, or do anything that I don't want to do.

Fight for your dreams. Turn off the TV NOW, not tomorrow. Do something every day to get you closer to your goals. You get one shot at life. Make it count.

Society creates so many things to distract you from where you want to be. They make you watch rich grown men play ball games, and they tell you you need to buy product xyz in order to have a life worth living. If you aren't where you want to be in life, that garbage is doing nothing but holding you back. Fuck all the noise.

There is no wisdom in the crowd.

Fight, fight, FIGHT. Get it.

Time for a new chapter to be written.