Originally Posted by Forexmospherian View Post
Very Interesting - only started this thread today - and already the haters have already started

Some hater has already voted on this thread giving it a "terrible" one star rating

I have not even started on the method or strat yet - but somebody out there - hates to think others might gain from what I am going to say - or they could just be a jealous loser

I would ask all other members who read this thread this week to vote on it at the top right hand corner - under ratings and give it a proper rating from one star to 5 star. Many will think its great and should vote 5 stars - others might say no only average - I will only give it 3 star

Haters - please don't even bother ;-)
Hi F,

I for one wish you all the best, and I will publically admit, that there have been things that I have learnt from you in regards to a question I posed on here about tight stops I could have taken, and others told me it was a suicidal practice, however from knowing you did the same, encouraged me to take those trades as well.

I must admit that I have not followed your other thread in a while, and that is just down to time constraints. I wish you all the best on this thread, and I for one shall vote, and will let you know what I voted, and for what reason.

P.S. You mentioned earlier about doing courses that didn't get you anywhere apart from lightening a load from your wallet. May I ask which ones you did, and there's no need to give vast details, or implications that could potentially get the thread removed. just names, but no shame, and hopefully the astute can do there own due diligence afterwards.
