I thought about the title "chicks by mail"
We lost the 2 overnight, one more is having a tough time but the rest look like they'll make it. The setbacks start the day you begin. I'll admit to missing the fresh eggs because Michelle does do the majority of the work. We tried to tend our neighbors flock when they had to rush out of town. We lost one a day, everybody loves chicken and they sure know it when the master is away. We put our last 2 social security hens in the freezer before Christmas so we could visit more. I've thought about a few pigs but it does tie you down... not that the excuse particularly bothers me
You're right John, these girls came into Charlotte then went by, up to Roanoke, then back down to us. They must have missed a connection somewhere and then they missed the early truck that hits the local po's, it would have left them in Roanoke all day and overnight.

As we were driving home we decided the driver leaving the hatchery must be wearing really good earmuffs.