Thread: I Agree With Hawkeye10 URL:

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  1. #1

    Default I Agree With Hawkeye10 URL:

    given yesterdays events in California, the rest of the world needs that wall to be built around the US
  2. #2


    right, the rest of the world is planning to build it to keep the batshit crazy people who own those 300 million guns IN.
  3. #3
  4. #4


    Yeah, but with their crazy gun ideology/theology, how do we know any one of them won't blow a gasket and go on a shooting spree?

    They're doing it there, how do we know they won't do it elsewhere, or worse, export their crazy ideas and have others do it for them?

    Maybe if we label them with an arm band with their flag, monitor all of their communications, etc., we can keep our finger on the lot of them.
  5. #5


    Maybe you're right. Go ahead and build your wall. We don't have any better ideas.

    Everyone here is so busy praying about it that we don't really have time to fix it.

    Jesus should come back and slap the **** out of us.

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