Thread: BCDH - Black Castle Developments Holdings

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  1. #1

    Default BCDH - Black Castle Developments Holdings

    Might be something to watch here. Some free awareness going out for it tomorrow. Hearing big things for early next week.

    Chart looks pretty good here, has been trading in this range for a while and looks like volume has been increasing. Price could jump up

    Black Castle Developments Holdings (OTCBB:BCDH)

    Black Castle Developments Holdings, Inc. is a holding company targeting the acquisition of undervalued, niche companies, and the purchase of non-performing notes and bank-owned, income-producing commercial real estate properties.

    Recent News Coverage:
  2. #2


    $4,670 traded today, nice. Hard to make any money with no liquidity. Not to mention several brokers have restricted it.
  3. #3


    Whoopty doo. That means nothing.

    You would have posted the same thing If I said buy AWSR yesterday.

    AWSR had 1,474 dollars in it yesterday and over 10 million dollars today.

    Thats where the marketing campaigns come in. It may just be a rumor but ive heard it will be getting hit hard early next week and me and a few others will be highlight it for FREE in our newsletters.
  4. #4


    MovingPennies vs. AwesomePenny..........

    But hey Let's not start the good promoter vs crap promoter debate again.

    Good Luck to you. I'm glad your still getting a paycheck.
  5. #5


    You seem to be missing the point. For all you know, titan or best damn is on this stock tomorrow.

    If you dont want to trade it, fine, dont trade it. But there will be a lot more volume in the stock tomorrow which hopefully will continue next week.

    Just because a stock isnt up to your standards in volume, doesnt mean you cant make money on it.

    Obviously there isnt going to be 10 million in it tomorrow, but hopefully a big campaign starts and hopefully there will be more than enough volume to make this "liquid"

    I did not get a "paycheck" on this stock.

    I dont want to start anything but it seems like you always have something negative to say.......

    its just something you may want to take a look at/ potentially grab a small position in it if you like the chart, level 2, w/e it may be

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