Dear capaxone,

Success is measured by your current status. You've had losses (we've all had) I was trading in the famed flash crash of 2010 and lost, that was a lesson for me to study volatility and history. These two aspects of the market are absolutely essential to study.

I believe personally that we are heading into a deflationary economic situation and would advise you to not be long on the majority of your positions, its already a traders market. 40k in capital is a moderate sum to have aside, remember that being on the sidelines waiting for the right trade is a position in itself. He who runs from a fight lives to fight another day is an adage ive come to appreciate in my current trading of commodities.

Common and cliche as it may seem too, "dont put all your eggs in one basket"

Also, if you have gains, take them. Cut your losses at 7%
Your current status is not giving up, that is awesome I highly respect that. Its like a marathon runner getting back up after falling and losing his first place.

Be selective with your trades, small gains make large profits.

Another thing to remember, during the gold rushes throughout history, men looked for the large gold nuggets, only to leave disheartened from the area, while others found "flour gold" this is microscopic gold that others passed over. An adage that came from that profit was , "Gold flour makes gold cakes"

Small victories are your key.