
On Monday I had on my list 2 stocks HNT and CNC both went lower in an amazing move to the down side, from the open till the close, but I couldn’t find an entry point,

When I say an entry point I speak about a place I would get short and I will place a stop that will means an end to the down trend for me while at the same time want be too big so i could reach profit targets,

This type of movement is the worse for me even though it should be the best because this is the place to learn but all I can think is here I have a stock that do exactly what I though, it get lower, a clean down trend, but I have no entry place I can feel certain with, no place to draw the line,

This is why I bring this question to the public to all of you there to see if you can give me any help here, any idea will be more than welcome you can see the attached graphs,

Thanks a lot for any type of comment idea

Make the odds in your favor Day Trade,

Eldad Nahmany