what would happen to MSFT's stock if the Xbox 360 is a total flop?

From what I see there are 3 main problems....

-How will they grab initial marketshare if the console is $400? That sounds like the high end of the market.

-Too much emphasis on hardware. If you're familiar with the game systems of the 80's and 90's, companies that cared about hardware instead of games failed miserably (Jaguar, NEO GEO, Sega Saturn...etc).
True, they didn't have the bankrole that MSFT has...but it sounds like MSFT expects to dominate primarily because of hardware.

-Historically, there's only been room for two consoles on the market. First it was Nintendo and Sega (with a host of other flops), then Nintendo and PS/PS2.....and now, Nintendo and PS2 still have powerful franchises.

It'll be very interesting to see what happens this fall...