Disclosure: Currently own 10000 shares ANAD

For anyone looking for a stock with solid long-term potential I'd advise doing DD on Anadigics ANAD.
I bought my first shares 7/25/05 at $2.26 and have ridden the ups and downs for almost 7 months to see ANAD close yesterday at $8.20. A 363% gain is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

But the great part of this is that ANAD has the potential to at least double and most likely triple or more within the next 3 to 5 years. It won't be a smooth ride by any means, but the direction over the long haul is positively to the upside.

I don't mean to pump the stock and recommend anyone interested to do your own research, but I have profitted from others recommendations on this board and only think fair that I share what is making me the most money also.

This weeks analysis is Value Line Investment Survey is very positive and is where I got my initial info last July.
Jim Jubak also did a column back on 10/04/2005 ( http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/P130985.asp ) when the price was at $3.58 asserting the stock could possibly double by year end 2005. It came close when it continued to rise to close out the year at $6.00