Masive volume Friday. Anything prior to Friday is just history, unless you own this pig. But for the rest of us, A constant rise on the price all day. An opening price and a new 52 week low of $1.13. The stock climed all day to close at $1.53. Not bad if you have a hair trigger.
Now the gamble, will Obama give these guys money or call Citi's bluff and let them file banruptcy?
Its all pending and not sure when the Gov will give Citi a nod or thumbs down. Word any day or miniute. Makes for a fun ride either way. Can't go much lower till word is given on stimulus $$$$. There is enough buyers to keep the price above Fridays low.
What a great time to play this one. If Obama doesn't give any word Monday got any guess as to where it will go. No one would take profits of just .25 cents. My gut is this is folks loading the boat waiting for bailout word. This is way more fun that Vegas!
I'll be in with 500 shares. Looking for sub $1.50.