New.. is it time for real money??
Hey guys. Last November (2011) I logged into MB Trading and setup a Demo account. they give you 10k fake money and let you go to work.

So its been almost a year now. Out of the 11 months I've been set up with them, I probably only actively traded for 5-6 months. the last 2-3 months have been a recovery time for me. I set up a bad stop and held a position from 1.2791 eur/usd ALLL the way down to the bottom. (the 1.20 bottom in july..yeah.. that hurt) So, I kept it. no way I could take the loss, and its now back up. Im back in the green. (quite a bit green ) Yes i do have patience, and even though its fake money. I've been making it "real money" by moving my money around a little. using a % of what i earn/lose. (mostly giving it to my wife lol)

I learned a few charts, how bollinger bands work, moving averages, mac d etc etc.. I DONT trade every day. sometime i hold a position for a few days, sometimes a few minutes. i use alot of trailing stops, and tend to stick with a falling position long enough to watch it climb again. and i spent ALOT of time learning how the platform i use works (MBT Desktop Pro) great software btw.

Ok so anyways, Bottom line. I stated in nov 2011, with 10k. its now October 2012 and my account balance is 63k. and i THINK i could have done better if I hadn't of messed up that stop. (that really hurt, i was SOOO close to a margin call. I had to trade my position average down a few pips at the time. which im glad i did. now my profit is even better that its back up.

so what it boils down to is; am I ready for real money? I took the advice, traded for a year or so and learned what I could, even though there is SO much more i need to learn. But should i go ahead and bite the bullet and put the coin in the account? Im thinking of starting with the micro account ($400 investment) and seeing what happens. i know it wont grow very fast, but i figure that is the easiest way to get used to playing with real money while minimizing risk..

what do you guys think? is it time to do it?