Hi there!

I'm a complete newb to trading, but came across your forum a couple of times while investigating Emini Trading Academy and the Day Trading Academy. The comments on this site seemed really well reasoned and genuine, so I've come back to see what other gems you might have.

After poking around for a few hours I'm sorry to say I'm pretty lost on how to get started with trading.

The community here seems very skeptical of various youTube videos and training websites, but I can't figure out what the alternative is. What does futures.io (formerly BMT) recommend for an honest introduction to trading?

I guess what I'm after is a bit of a road map. I don't like to sign on for things before getting a full idea of the costs and risks. But as an outsider, I don't know who to trust and what training options actually do what they claim to do...

Can anyone recommend a course, or a series of videos, or books that can take me from zero to semi-functional trader? The more comprehensive the better, but preferably with fixed costs and clear progressive milestones.

Thanks for any and all feedback!