Hello everyone i'm currently futures trading on paper money, and studying for about 4-6 hours a day.
I'm very excited about getting into live trading, and am in the process of developing a plan. I originally thought about putting in about 5-6 thousand dollars into an account and attempt /es on live market, but couldn't get over the huge amount of leverage. i am prepared to lose all of the 5 to 6 thousand dollars, but the idea of a huge debt from noob mistakes turns me away. I've been coming out positive 200-300$ at the end of my days trading 1 contract at a time (i usually trade in the mornings 3-4 days a week for the past couple months) but read about how different paper trading is from live, and again do not want to risk losing everything.

I rethought my plan into using a different instrument with a less risk to continue learning as i save more money/make small wins with my "education." My problem is i do not really no what other instruments i should begin practicing and looking more into. Is there anyone out there with some suggestions.

i also practice/study while i'm at work. (i work at an internet cafe for a decent wage, and find myself in a empty room full of high powered gaming computers for 4-5 hours so day trading and still keeping my full time job is very much an options.)

other than that thanks for the read and im glad i found this forum.