It was time to restock the coop and with my wife's new job as manager of the local farmers market we decided to boost the flock a bit. We ordered 25 Rhode Island Reds. While we waited the coop got a good cleaning and fresh coat of paint inside. Meanwhile a friends chicks arrived and he had a quiet box... someone had dropped the ball en route and they all died. Great, ours were due in 2 weeks. Monday came and went with no chicks, not too bad, they could survive another night, but that was all. This morning came and they weren't at our little PO. Our postmistress started backtracking, found them in Roanoke and got them on an express to a town about 45 minutes away. She called back to say she still heard them chirping in the background. We met the truck at about 2 and everyone was alive but 2 were already in deep trouble. Everyone else has perked back up and the two are still with us. There are good folks in the world.