I read an interesting article recently that did a take off on the IRS form, "check this box to contribute $3 of your taxes to the Federal Election Fund" (or whatever it is called).

Why not expand on this idea to include other federal programs folks could choose to support directly with their tax dollars?

It could start small to see how it would work. Maybe it only be 5-10% of our taxes to start. But, we would have a direct vote in how it was spent. So much to...
• Education
• Defense
• Health care
• Environment

Do you think this would get the attention of Congress and the media? This is political polling where you put your money where your mouth is.

Programs could even be invented to see what kind of funding they might snare.

The more I think about this the more I could see it as a step toward direct democracy that totally does a detour around the whole military-industrial-legislative complex. No lobbyists needed!