momo play

this is another fun one i like. you see this stock running out of control on good news or rumors do not buy imidiatly. all stocks have a pull back. use your 15 minute chart and nail it on the pull back. (agian learn to read charts. greencats video is the best thing out thier) these plays i do not go for big gains just a quick 20 to 40% profit then i am out and done with it. reason being that size profit is i do not know if it is a pump or what and not going to chance it. you will never go broke taking a profit.

it may seem to alot of you that i am pumping greencats video. it is something i believe in big time and has made my success in the market posible. if you learn to play the charts you seldom loose and your losses are minor when you do. you use the charts in combination with your own style. gary and i both have our own style but they both work and work well. however all succesful traders have one thing in comon they use and that is good t&a from charts and that is what the cd will teach you