Hi all,
Ive been following this forum for a bit before becoming a member and this really seemed like a great place to learn and find advice.
My real name is Nick, Ive owned a small remodeling company for almost 10 years but Im looking to stop beating up my body and make a little more money than the trades can offer anymore.
I am as new to the stock market as someone can be. Ive been putting in some serious time reading and educating myself on some different strategies and technical analysis. Im looking to trade at first and then ultimately do some longer term investing.
I have a few questions which are more opinion than any right or wrong answer.
Forgive me if these are dumb questions.

For those who day trade for a living (because thats mainly what I want to do):

1-Is there any merit to keeping a list of say 100 stocks that meet a certain trading criteria (price, volume, trading range, etc) that you analyze regularly for patterns and entry points? Of course, always looking for new opportunities as well.

2-How many different methods of technical analysis do you generally use to assess any given stock before trading? (candles, Bollinger, SMA, treadlines, Triangles, etc) You dont have to name them, unless you dont mind, but just wondering how many.

3-Do you usually trade the stocks of only one or two different companies at once or do you invest in as many different companies' stocks that you can find at that time? Do you have a rule about this, like no more than two open at a time?

4-How many people really put their money into the OTC market? Just once in a while, regularly, not at all?

5- For those solely making a living from trading:
Do you find trading somewhat easy or is an emotional/financial roller coaster? I dont mean in general, I mean is it personally easy for you to find and make profit?

Im excited to start being a part of trading and Im grateful to be able to have access to people who have done and are doing it.
Thanks to everyone who takes part in my poll, and thanks to everyone on this site for helping others.

My best,
Nick aka TheKhabibulin