About Quantum Materials Corp (previously known as the Hague Corp.) / Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.

Solterra is singularly positioned to lead the development of truly sustainable and cost-effective solar technology as the first company to introduce a new dimension of cost reduction by replacing silicon wafer-based solar cells with low-cost, highly efficient Quantum Dot-based solar cells.

What?s your opinion? This is an innovative company playing a significant part developing the next generation of what I call the Flexible Solar Power Industry (FSPI). Solterra has extraordinary potential given the product applications are not limited to just the environmental arena. This company is one of the few public traded companies that private investors can get involved with trading. Heliovolt, Nanosolar and Kanarka are private companies with state of the art equipment with less of a quality Quantum Dot and have received massive institutional funding for the FSPI. I checked out Solterra when I was in Phoenix for my daughters wedding. I needed to confirm the reality and viability of this company. Do your own DD to confirm mine. Solterra which is run by Mr Squires just moved into the ASU Research Park about five weeks ago. The building they are in is the MacroTechnology Works housing the Flexible Display Center at 7700 S River Parkway. The lease is for one year and Ghassen Jabbour has plenty of lab space to work in. I met Dr. Ghassen Jabbour in the lobby on his way out to teach class. The only research question I had time to ask was associated with the efficiency of Quantum Dots. They are progressing quickly in this area to be able to match that of Konarka but with a much better quality quantum dot and at a cost much more economical to produce. I had information but not confirmation they were looking for additional space across the street. If true then that would address my concern about the lack of infrastructure to go commercial. Having worked in the startup phase for several Nuclear power plants I know the execution of a new company business plan does not materialize without issues no matter how well it?s planned, nor does it happen overnight. I know Phoenix Alliance Corporation (PAC) is aiding/directing the current stage of activities since that is their business. Also paper work was filed for a name change dropping Hague so I suspect the trip to PAC in Canada this week will result in a press release next week or forthcoming soon. The Quantum Dots being stable and reproducible at a significant cost reduction with the high quality Tetrapods is the foundation from which to build. BILLIONS will be allocated and made during the transition from oil to alternative energy sources and Solterra will be one of the significant contributors. I believe Solterra is on the way to making their vision and plan a realization that will benefit the environment and those that invest. Thoughts?