Psychopaths are people who don’t care about social rules and the media has made well known for committing awful crimes. Whilst this is true, it is also the case that many successful businessmen, lawyers, politicians and also traders share the same characteristics.
Of course successful people don’t usually commit crimes but they use the same skills when they deal with some problems in a work environment. For example, they focus on their goal, don’t care what other people think about them and do everything they can to achieve their goal.
Oxford University psychologist, Kevin Dutton explored the similarities between psychopaths and successful people and discovered that many, if not all, successful traders share psychopathic characteristics! In this context a successful trader looks the same after making 1 million dollars and after losing 1 million dollars. If you look at them you don’t know if he or she has just lost money or won. The reason why this helps is because if you don’t care so much if you are losing or winning then you can just be focused on your plan and follow it. Consideration is not given to whether friends will think that you are a loser or wondering if you have deserved taking a loss or not as it simply doesn’t matter and allows a complete focus on goals and do what can be done to achieve them.