Thread: SWHC & RGR: Obama Re-election special - hold on to your guns

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  1. #1

    Default SWHC & RGR: Obama Re-election special - hold on to your guns

    These two firearm manufacturers have already seen big runs but it may play out that they run even further as the positive correlation between their stock price and Obama's re-election odds continues.

    Remember, Barack has been on his best behavior these last three years as he attempts not to ostracize more than 51% of the country in hopes of securing a second term (scary isn't it?). With nothing holding him back in a potential second term there's no telling who he and his Brownshirts might go after with impunity... and according to these articles this fear is fueling record gun sales as alarmed individuals hoard firearms before the Feds can restrict their sale.
  2. #2


    Funny you mention retail. I just posted the following comment a few minutes ago.
  3. #3


    So SWHC beat their estimates yesterday. What a nice surprise (I guess) short squeeze this morning. Up over 21% so far. I don't think I'll add anymore shares to what I have. I'll continue to ride the wave at least for awhile. Gun sales are one of the few things that are really selling extremely well in this terrible economy. I think gun sales will be strong for some time too. Remember to do your own research everybody.
  4. #4


    What anyone THINKS is no more relevant than what you think. No one KNOWS where the stock will go from here.

    But yeah, it will probably continue higher.

    Until it doesn't.

    Or it won't.
  5. #5


    Both SWHC & RGR were up yesterday on huge volume. SWHC got an upgrade with a price target of $10. SWHC just broke it's 4 year resistance level. I still own my original SWHC shares. I probably won't sell until fall. I haven't bought any new shares either. I might buy some more if it can hold the $8s for awhile. I might also buy some RGR when it pulls back.

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