i use mostly t/a i learned from the greencats cd . (if you all do not have the cd i suggest you invest in it.) it will be the best investent you will ever make in the market also a few other things i like to do. i have 4 different watch lists i have up each one about 20 stocks. one of them are stocks i have played off and on for years. after a while you can get so you know bottom just by looking at them and i will buy and hold them for the next run. make sure you always have your out when doing this for dilution will kill all that you know and we all know pennies dilute. have your out. when the stock pattern i have been trading on disapears it comes off the list. take a profit and remember they have ran before and always dropped and thier is no reason it will not happen again. this is basically chart reading without reading the chart because the chart will show you exactly what i am saying but it is a few less charts i have to go over when doing my scan.