RITT had been consolidating for months between 1.50 & 1.80 with 2.00 being the outlier range top. That was crushed today on a huge volume increase and a confident breakout over the 2 range. Ideally it gaps up and pushes. RITT can be an extremely fast moving stock. Don't play this unless familiar with low float action.

Don't chase pops, only consider dips at this point. If 2 can stick after a run and pullback in the morning it may be a place to snag a few and let ride a few days as long as the 2 new support area can hold up.

It's been years since this one has had a serious run. However, it can move. It went $3 to $12 back in 2011. Long-term chart examines potential targets if a new uptrend sticks as long as $2 holds as new support.

Disclosure: I bought RITT at 1.92 today and alerted the buy real-time to my subscribers. Again, do not chase this, only consider dips. Use your own judgement and trade smart with risk management strategy in place. I will be selling into pops and looking to re-accumulate on dips if we get a trend.