I know I'm still new to all of this, let alone Penny Stocks, but I've been watching this one for a few weeks now and it seems legit. I haven't seen any pump-and-dump ads for it. It looks like a real company, although minimal financial reports might show misleading figures.

I was just posting this to have some of the top-dog investors give a real opinion on this stock.

I found some information that may help you make your decision:

http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=AMG.V (Yahoo has Key Statistics with minor financial information)

http://www.amgold.ca/ (this is their main site)

http://investing.businessweek.com/re...?ticker=AMG:CN (shows how many years they've been around and their gains/losses)

I hope to receive some feedback soon, anything and everything is welcome!