Ok, I got lucky, big time. I purchased a lot of Apple way long ago, around $11/share. I've been selling it off over the past 2 years, not that I thought it was a bad stock to have, but with large amount I had I was way over exposed. When I started I had about 2/3rds of my retirement funds in Apple. I'm now down to about half.

I still think it is a good stock but I'm also not comfortable have that much of my retirement in one stock, no matter how good it is. I sold a bunch near $700 and if I had a time machine I would have sold it all back then. But I don't and it is now and Apple is going to open up sharply today. It has been 3-4 months since I sold any so I'm "on schedule" to sell more.

But I do believe it will go up, China will be huge. Oh, and I really don't have the stomach for more stocks at my age, I'm just in a blend of indexs, S&P and Russell's. That's fine for me.

I appreciate any advice.