Thread: What sentence should Skilling and Lay receive?

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  1. #1

    Default Favorite pets

    This is my dog "Harley". He is my bud. He is part yorkshire terrier and chihuahua.
  2. #2

    Default The Knife

    I don't have small children, but would think that parents wouldn't appreciate Cramer's use of "the knife" on his show. Children love to emulate adults and he is not setting a very good example.
  3. #3

    Default What is Inflation?

    Do we have the type of Inflation the FED is fighting?

    "Wal-Mart" has no choice but to raise prices with energy prices so high, so what the FED is doing, it would seem to me, hurt the economy and accomplish nothing, because B.R.I.C. (the resources sponge from hell) is not going away

    How can what the FED is doing force "Wal-Mart" to lower prices?

    I am confused

    Am I just putting what Master Cramer is saying about why the stock market is dying, but in the terms of "Inflation for Dummies"?
  4. #4

    Default Is it in the water?

    Do you feel more and more the damn world is going more insane?! Get this: China has just completed the world's biggest dam, built over China's San Andreas Fault:

    I guess it is in the water...

    (But at least oil speculators will have a reason Monday to drive up oil prices)
  5. #5

    Default This Story Makes Me So Angry

    Metropolis, New York (AP) – Superman late Thursday went on one of his rare rampages, attacking the Metropolis stock exchange.

    Sources indicate Superman had grown tired of the exchange allowing financier Mr. Lex Luthor corner the Kryptonite market for the Russian Mafia or other unsavory elements of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (B.R.I.C.).

    The SEC is investigating CNBC’s madman tipster Mr. Jim Cramer for pumping B.R.I.C. on his nightly television show “Mad Money.”

    The rumor mills on Wall Street are hinting Mr. Cramer had Kryptonite options that allowed him to cash in on Friday’s run up in the stock prices of the Kryptonite industries of the rare green element that is so fatal to Superman. It is known SEC investigators are in both Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, putting pressure on bankers about any secret accounts belonging to Mr. Cramer.

    Critics of Superman have long complained the man from Krypton has become lax about stopping the finding and processing of Kryptonite.

    Oil speculators are spending this weekend figuring out ways to use the Kryptonite situation as a way to make a major run up in oil prices Monday. “This could be better than another tribal warfare incident in Nigeria, or a tropical depression off the coast of Africa,” said a giggly Mr. Gordon Gekko, well known Wall Street maven.
  6. #6

    Default Investor vs Trader

    When I joined here, I did it looking for investments of 1 - 2 yrs. I see a lot of folks bumming out over 2 bad market days. Doesn't that just mean it's time to watch for bottom so you double down? How many here saw things were a bit high and managed to take a half a position off before the drop--when there was speculation of 5% interest rates? How many here are day/week trader's? How many here are investors with 1 - 2 yr outlooks?
    I'm curious because I'm learning the game myself and the only I have that went up was GLD.
  7. #7

    Default My Wheels

    2006 Nissan Armada LE
    I love my new gas hog !!
    Bought with profits from ANAD

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