Thread: Thank God for the internet!

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  1. #1

    Default A real good place to start?

    Hey guys,
    I got 1000$ im looking to play on the stock market. I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions on a good site to open an account on. I am Canadian if this in any way matters.
  2. #2
  3. #3

    Default Dana Carvey on Bill Maher

    In a good Al Gore impersonation: "I'm tellin' ya, we have to do something about global warming, and the best way to do that is to elect Hillary president, because she is one cold bitch"
  4. #4

    Default "The Sopranos" -- Week 2

    Well, what do you think?

    The song at the end was excellent, so creepy

    All-in-all, I just plain like the show

    Don't want to say much now, because I don't want to spoil the show if you watch it, too, and have not seen this week's episode

    Makes me more than ever glad I ain't in the mob, because more than anything their life seem so boring as well as deadly
  5. #5
  6. #6

    Default Sos

    Democrat or Republican

    Liberal or conservative

    The song is the same, just different performers
  7. #7

    Default Hey, let's form a lynch mob!

    I was wrong

    But, but, dang it, they were preppies--those, those smug jocks with rich parents whose ______ didn't stink of those long ago high school years, and now I am grown and not a racist (e.g., some of my best friends are green), let's get some justice!

    Tha heck with a trial!

    Jackson/Sharpton, guys, I am with you! Pay-back is rough, so these rich, smarmy, white lads deserve justice we average folk get

    I didn't jump to conclusion--I LEAPED!! I WANT A LEGALIZED LYNCHING!! We will dot the i's and cross the t's and then hang-em!

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