I guess what I am interested to see are peoples views or ideas of how me and my partner can start the path towards greater wealth and financial independence. Do you think Swordfish Prime services would be a good option for us?

Here's our rough financial information, dont think I need to give all expense details and the like as I have that under control quite well to allow lifestyle/saving/investing:

30 Years of age.
Dual income of around 200k per annum. Both Full time jobs.
Mortgage of 600k on house worth around 800-850k.
Currently paying off loan at around $1100 per week. Saving another $200 per week.
There are other personal savings and expenses. All bills are accounted for outside of the 1100/200 above. If further information is required I can elaborate.

I feel the need for us to have alternate investments. Right now our aim is mortgage down... its the one thing I know and which is why we are putting large amounts off the mortgage. But if we want to purchase a bigger or nicer house in the future.. Or build more wealth, just doing this is not going to suffice. What ideas or pathways are there that we can do to start building more wealth instead of just paying off our house?