This is a new issue Reverse Merger that sells E-Ciggatetts.

I should have posted this a week ago, but to choked up on I-Hub.

Take a good look.
Expect a line of PRs the beginning of January.
A name & symbol change.
Its activly been sold in the US and now letting investors have a piece of the pie. They are the First to Market guys. So they have the name recgonition. They are also the go to guys if you want to start an E-cig company.
This punks out my SFIO, but bullish on both.
SFIO has time till Q reports 3 mos, but MMUH has already made $$$ and nothing but good news here.

I've been in and out between .01-.02 for a good size base of free shares.
Bought in big today above .035

Forgot, LOW FLOAT STOCK !!!!!!!!! 18MM free trading float !!!!! That is major! And they have revenues.