Thread: Constitution

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  1. #1

    Default Constitution

    Daily Market Commentary for December 12, 2008 from Millennium-Traders.Com

    In all actuality, the Constitution of the United States prevents the Government from deciding which business should be bailed out and which should not. (read more)
  2. #2


    U.S. November Passenger Car Prices fell 0.6; U.S. November Retail & Food Sales fell 1.8 compared to consensus of a drop by 2.2; U.S. November Retail & Food Sales Excluding-Autos fell 1.6; U.S. October Retail & Food Sales Revised to a drop by 2.9 from a drop by 2.8.
  3. #3


    Market trends on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and stock market indicators for the trading session today:
    Advanced stock prices 294; declined stock prices 323; unchanged stock prices 61; stock prices hitting new highs 3 and stock prices hitting new lows 37.
  4. #4


    Stocks Trading Room:
    Jeannie $6,435
    Barry $6,527
    Sam $5,515
    Scott $1,507

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