Thread: Ag. stocks getting crushed again today.

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  1. #1

    Default Ag. stocks getting crushed again today.

    I guess a lot of profit taking going on in that sector. Or else the bubble is bursting.

    Just to note, the quotes from the link above are delayed 20 minutes.
  2. #2


    might get the dip on DBA ive been waiting for.

    prices for food etc are not going down.

    breaking news today is walmart and costco are limiting the amount of rice a person can buy!

    in America !
  3. #3


    We buy rice at Costco. It comes in 10 to 25 lb sacks. Limiting sales there is not really the same as 'rationing'. This is just to prevent hoarding craziness.

    Haven't checked the Costco price lately. I'll bet the days of rice at 50-cents a pound are over, though
  4. #4


    Genius - herds of people who think that as rice hits it's highest point, that's the time to buy more! :sheep:
    I mean, how much can people spend on rice in a year anyway - like $100?!

    I held DBA from august to feb - it was great! But this is a classic sign of a bubble; when everyone starts talking about. No wonder the ag stocks are down today. This is done.

    ECB and BoE will start lowering rates within a couple of weeks, dollar will turn around, commodities prices crash as speculators pull out - sometime in the fall after the corn price spikes this summer. Wheat and soy are 10 off already.
  5. #5


    it was those very 10lb bags they were referring to

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