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I have just received a ridiculous email which told me the following :-

TURN ?27.84 into ?8,726,467, in 8 months doing nothing,
risk free. And we can prove it!!

It is from an outfit advertising a thing called "2clickinvestor".

Anybody come across this particular Holy Grail ?!!!

I found myself on their website the other day by following some sort of link somewhere (in fact, I think they _might_ even possibly advertise here!). I toyed with the idea of requesting a brochure, but decided against it when I saw the amount of personal information one had to provide in order to request it!

Have been told by their sales team that the cost of the product in beta is currently ?375 + ?120 per annum for the data downloads.

or something that sounds remarkably similar.
Anybody who fancies signing up then please contact me direct, I have several bridges to sell (only the Brooklyn one is currently under offer).

I bought the 2Clickinvestor tool, with a 30 day money back guarantee, a month ago. I've not analysed the results that closely but everyday it spews out a number of FTSE companies based on technical analysis. The idea is you have to do your own research to determine the best of the crop. Had a long chat with the developer from America who's keen on getting feedback from his users. Apparently a maturer version is available in America, which is, according to him, very successful. He's adding a shorting facility available any moment now and has recently added a "high probability filter", which seems to produce better results. I've had my money back guarantee extended for two weeks from when the shorting facility is added. Hopefully it'll knock out some good ones or I'm going to transfer my investment into the bridge buying business.