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This is the thread where you post any kind of Info, pics, documentary etc.. Anything relating to nature and the wildlife....

Sh!t happens in the wild

Great stuff everybody!

Still at sea, a team of Canadian and Spanish researchers is using a remotely operated vehicle called ROPOS for dives off Newfoundland with a maximum depth of about 9,800 feet (3,000 meters).
The 20-day expedition aims to uncover relationships between cold-water coral and other bottom-dwelling creatures in a pristine yet "alien" environment, according to the researchers' blog.

Although the li'l purple guy is most likely a benevolent cephalopod, I must continue to caution against the continued presence of the Kleptoctopus which appears to be aggressively increasing its area of migration. First Identified by Meg Lyman (http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database/art/view.pl?id=108248) she describes it thusly:
"Originally native to the Pacific Rim, the Kleptoctopus is now a common household pest throughout the world. They originally spread by hitching rides in trunks during sea voyages, but nowadays they just stow away in suitcases, fondling mismatched socks. If things start to go missing around the house, you probably have an infestation. Although elusive and hard to catch, you can easily rid yourself of the problem by leaving out open cans of beer. They can't resist free alcohol, and will be passed out drunk on your floor in the morning."

This particular company would seem to have good value to me. I was a bit surprised that the price dropped on this kind of news but I'm considering purchasing a few thousand shares.