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View Full Version : The Prometheus System

The Prometheus system results for 2014 are quite impressive. As of today there have been 91 trades in total with 89 completed and 2 currently open. The most impressive point being there has been no losses so far making it worth monitoring further. It is based purely on the end of day closing price and from closing price to closing price has delivered 7981 points since January 2014. It is updated regularly showing both open & closed positions and can be found at the link below.

sound like good system, but you open Pandora box. watch out for eagle,

I went to the link expecting some information about the system but you just have a list of trades. No methodology, no audit trail.

I don't get it.

There is not much to get at the moment except looking at ways of maximising these good signals that are coming out of this system, hence the list of trades. The system will take an age to explain and currently takes a lot of manual work but I’m working on an Excel system that will automatically collect the daily closing prices, compute the algorithm and make an automatic conclusion.

This system has only been in operation since the beginning of 2014 with companies chosen by me. The amount of companies chosen is limited due to the manual work required to compute the algorithm. The results so far have been very good without a losing trade. I’m sure the losing trade will come along sooner or later. Let’s see if the two currently open short positions on Easy Jet or Ebay become the first losing trade or if they join the growing list of winning trades.

If you have an algorithm for your buy/sell signals you should be able to implement it with macros in a spreadsheet and run it against the entire market in an hour or two. As far as a stop is concerned in the type of system where you add on, your stop should be a percentage of your account value, typically 2% to 3%. I would assume you would buy/sell in increments of 50 or 100 shares at at time. You don't need to wait for a loss to implement risk management in such a system.