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View Full Version : The American Soldier who Murdered Afghan Citizens

This is bound to stir a lot of differing opinions.

First, trying to take Afghanistan was a mistake in my opinion. No one's ever really managed to do it and w had no real reason to try.

Second, according to the returning military people I know, we have sortof secured the towns but the countryside is still very much out of U.S. control.

Now, on to the US soldier who massacred 16 villagers on Sunday. We have moved him to Kuwait. WHY?
Sure he has mental problems....so what? This wasn't an act of war and if it were, he should be tried as a war criminal.

What he did was murder, pure and simple. It was a horrible criminal act. Why is the Military protecting him instead of letting the local authorities handle it. They would kill him but he deserves it and that's their way of dealing with cold blooded murder.

I just don't see much defense here and I have to sympathize with the locals. If that were one of my kids he killed and I couldn't get to him, I'd make a hobby out of shooting everything wearing a uniform.

Gordon Duff who has lots of sources within the armed forces and intel insists that it was not a single 'crazy sargent' but a group of soldiers

He noted that a single soldier would never be allowed off base after midnight

the Afghan witnesses that survived also said there were more than one soldier

Something sure does stink .....

I agree something does seem off here. It been almost a week and they refuse to release his name. They also haven't charged him with anything. I don't know how the Uniform Code of Military Justice works, but in the U.S. you are at least charged with a crime and it is up to the courts to determine if you were legally insane at the time. Also his family has been put into protection? I've never heard of that.

I don't really trust that veteranstoday site. They were the ones that published the "secret Fed dealings" article that was a blatant scam. Also they are reprinting it from the Iranian government news agency PressTV. Why would I trust their government over my own. I hope he didn't pay press TV for the article or get paid for the interview. They are stepping up prosecutions of financial dealings with the Iranian government.