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Hello to all,

has anybody personal experience with the reversalmagic method?
Is it worth it's money?
The webside can be found under www.reversalmagic.com (http://www.reversalmagic.com)

Thank you all for your help,

Looks like a combination of keywords to grab the interest of Gann-ites, Ocean Theorists and Balance Pointers (along with the few Market Profilers who haven't gone insane transposing their axes).

Example charts look great. They seem to able to predict EXACTLY where to get in and get out AND let you know in advance how far (high/low and time) the next move it going to go. I'd pay anything for a system like that. Wouldn't you?

If nothing else, you have to look at this site for the photographs - genuinely worth the trip.

Yes, if nothing else.

I have Reversal Magic, together with Balance Magic and Channel Surfing.

The manuals are comprehensive - the pages aren't numbered so I don't know how many there are, but the three manuals combined are just over 2cm thick. There has been an awful lot of effort put into the manuals, and there are lots of examples, etc.

If I have one moan it is that right the way throughout the author, Michael Parsons, uses the words Reversal Magic a lot. And not only that, but he puts it in capitals, bold, and italics - and it just makes the whole content harder to read. He has obviously forgotten that by the time you are reading the manual, you have paid for it, and therefore you don't need to have REVERSAL MAGIC hitting you in the face seven times on each page. It would be so much better if he just used RM in an ordinary font.

I can't tell you whether you'll find it worth its money - I paid, and in return got to know a natural phenomenon of the markets which I didn't know before, and so I was happy. I've never seen it referred to on these boards before.

Reversal Magic is all about drawing a few lines on your chart to give you reversal points. It depends on how good you are at trading and what methods you use, but I doubt that one would be able to trade solely on these points. But they are quite interesting to know about, and knowing about the projected reversal points gives you more of an idea of the market's natural wave movements.

Most of the examples are on daily charts, and therefore there is often a good deal of time before the reversal point, whereas I trade intraday, and so as I do not trade the entire trend, just each swing within it, I am not that bothered with the timing of reversal points of the main trend.

I don't use them much in my trading (and my style is price and volume only), but sometimes if the market is a bit boring I put the lines on just for my own amusement and they are quite spooky. I use other things to read the reversal points, but that is just because I've progressed quite a lot since I bought Reversal Magic just over two years ago.