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I just put all of my money into SIRI. It was nice because I made a good amount of $ on TMA so I rebought my siri back but was able to buy 390 more shares. I'm expecting a merger soon. I'm going to be patient though because I don't mind holding my SIRI till June-July even though you have to expect a merger announcement to come way before then.

Indications are we are going to see an announcement in the near future, but no direction is obvious. I can't believe they will reject the merger, but it isn't beyond the imagination that they would. I hope it works in your favor Nike.

FCC really screwed them over! 14 months of wasting time and people money. Wish you all the best and hope you make more then TMA.

Looks like the merger is finally going through, I should have got in at $2.70, oh well....Good luck to everyone who got in on time

I pulled this from the Sirius + XM thread back in Feb of 2007. Lots of discussion about prices back then, but who knew it would take this long. How long will it take the FCC to approve? I think you buy dips over the next few months while things are figured out. Profits will not come soon enough, but there could be some price pops along the way. As a Sirius subscriber I am very happy with the merger.