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View Full Version : The next crash in the DOW...when the Treasury comes back to congress and gets DENIED!

Did you see poor Neil Karshkari going up against those mean old politicians? I doubt the treasury will get more money if they come back, and they will be back in 2009 I can guarantee it. Expect the worst in 2009. Dow at 6000 where it still might be overvalued.

It's like there some kind of race: see how many bailouts they can get before Obama takes office

Obama won't help the banks, he believes in the trickle up economy. Makes about as much sense as water from your house trickling up the pipes after it raines.

Only way to save the USA, attack the trade deficit, start selling things. Lower taxes, make emerging markets a laughing joke! By making business taxes and capital gains taxes lower we can save the country and people will look back 10yrs from now and fall on the floor laughing thinking about emerging countries. Hahahaha, but I have a feeling China and India will have the last laugh in 2009, not to mention japan with there Samuri currency aka Yen.

Well said. It is amazing to me that we all knew what was good for us, yet the government just kept jamming it down our throats. You would think that Congress would start to listen to us at some point.

When chickens have lips.