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Hey guys, I originally posted this on another forum but I wanted to share with you guys too seeing the success that Denham is having as well. I started off with Marketsworld, with no mentors to guide me. Of course I lost almost all of the little I did have and just recently mastered my skills. I went deep into practicing to the point I'm winning over 90% of the time. I use NO indicators and NO strategies. I don't believe in strategies, as they keep you confined and reliant on a set of arbitrary rules and indicators, which often times lag a.k.a. suck. This is PURE Price Action. Looking forward to inspiring you guys with this shots here. To be fair, I'll show losses of mines too. I won't be sharing any detailed information for free, and there's also specific even more advanced things I can't give away as my mentors don't want that gold being dropped outside of our groups. I have to respect them as well.

These were all with GOptions. I also haven't traded too much in a few weeks since I'm getting a side business I'm working off the ground. Again the point here is MOTIVATION, that you can go from struggling newbie to winner within just a few months.

These just being a couple of days from last month.\

So In the end what is your purpose here??? You show some print screens witch can be fake.... so in the end what is your objective??? Promote a service or?

What he shown here is that he is a gambler not a trader. Unless he is trading with a $50000 account his risk is unsustainable. And if he was any good as a trader he could have entered the same trade and made a lot more than a measly 85% of his investment. Most traders I know aim for at least 100%

Or he's a marketer and that's worse

What indicators are you using ? Can you let us know?

Jeez, best you go back and read his first post, no indicators, no strategy, just price action.

No easy way bro, you are going to have to learn like everybody else, the hard way. Trial and error