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Jack Dorsey's return will show the investor's what they want.
TWTR will gear up with more user base. Stocks to head north. Next quarter will show better results.

I'd agree on the hold. Jack Dorsey has been behind some Twitter's biggest product innovations and I think his leadership will bring renewed user growth.

Whether one holds TWTR or takes a loss really depends upon one's entry point. I'm a fan and, as a news junkie, I really like the instantaneous dissemination of information. The search engines can't match the instant service; Google began addressing its shortcomings by signing an agreement to index tweets. Pundits complain Twitter is too difficult to use but I blame management for not hiring technical writers to write user manuals.

Programmers and engineers generally are poor writers of enduser manuals; assumption of prior knowledge is a severe shortcoming. Pundits unfortunately compare TWTR and FB whereas they are completely different services. Before TWTR crashed below its IPO, I sold all but a few hundred shares to reinvest elsewhere. I'm afraid it will be a slow climb back. Frankly, I think shareholders may be better served if Alphabet/Google were to buy Twitter.